The Finish Line: My Reflections

How does this portfolio demonstrate your understanding of writing as a process?  Where are your process-oriented composition skills evident?  To what extent has your writing process evolved throughout the term, and how is that evolution reflected in this portfolio? Discuss any revisions you’ve made, especially revisions I have not yet seen, and describe how you see …

Full Draft Research Paper – Blogging Prompt #14

A Map For The Off-Beaten Track Is A Map For The Soul It was in the early hours of the morning on a cold, rainy weekend in May 2018 where I found myself sat on the wooden floor of an old Vietnamese stilt house in Mai Chau, a village three hours south from Hanoi. The …

Research Essay Draft 3-4 Pages – Blogging Prompt #13

It was in the early hours of the morning on a cold, rainy weekend in May 2018 where I found myself sat on the wooden floor of an old Vietnamese stilt house in Mai Chau, a village three hours south from Hanoi, packing my Osprey daypack for a trek that was planned literally 2 days …

Pre-Research Paper Readings & Analysis – Blogging Prompt #12

Both of these essays include sensitive narrative accounts. To what extent do these essays reflect the authors’ ethical considerations of storytelling? In both essays, there definitely are sensitive issues which is addressed to a personal narrative from the lens of the author. In “Signing Their Lives Away”, the author starts off with a personal aspect …

Show Some Skin First Full Draft – Blogging Prompt #11

This year’s theme for Show Some Skin was Drop The Wall, a movement and an undeniably powerful social commentary that pushes us to reflect on the metaphorical wall that individuals, be it, students or staff, at Notre Dame build around themselves to protect them from the discrimination and the problems they face on campus. The …

Show Some Skin Rhetorical Essay Draft – Blogging Prompt #10

The introduction to set up your analysis (or multiple versions of your introduction, if you’re considering a couple approaches)Your thesis statement, which reflects the worksheet we used in class todayThree or four supporting claims for your thesis (these are the distinct points of analysis that will anchor your body paragraphs). Introduction: This year’s theme for Show Some Skin was Drop The Wall, …

Show Some Skin – Blogging Prompt #9

Reflect on your experience viewing the performance, in as much detail as possible, following the performance. What did you find most memorable about the show? What elements of the monologues themselves, the performances, and the production choices did you notice? What concepts from our readings did you notice the most interesting connections to? What I …

Gender Stories – Blogging Prompt #8

Reflect on our in-class activity with gender stories today. What resonated with you and why? What challenged you and why? In what ways did the activity reflect claims forwarded by Kaplan? In what ways did the experience reflect or challenge ideas presented in our other readings on rhetoric, ethics, and storytelling? Draw from the Kaplan …

Campbell’s “Three Rhetorics” – Blogging Prompt #7

Right from the get-go, it can already be seen how Show Some Skin functions as a rhetorical text. As Campbell mentions, one way which theatre is a rhetorical form is that “the playscript … urges an attitude towards its subject matter.” In Show Some Skin, much of its playscript focuses on “narratives about identity and difference” and much of …

Rhetorical Analysis: Herrick’s Framework – Blogging Prompt #6

Using Herrick’s framework as a guide, choose any “text” to analyze (this could be a document, speech, poster, movie, event, piece of architecture, or anything else you think qualifies as rhetorical). Be sure in your response to identify each of the rhetorical characteristics of the piece, as well as what you see as being the …

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